Emergency Preparedness Guidebook


The Emergency Preparedness Guidebook provides you with the essential tools and skills to successfully navigate through any emergency situation. In this comprehensive guide, we have combined our knowledge and experience from over a decade of study, along with input from medical professionals, survivalists, and government agencies, to create an all-inclusive resource to help you plan and execute your emergency preparedness plan. Inside, you will find advice on how to prepare yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally, as well as important skills and emergency plans to equip you with the right supplies. Additionally, the book provides valuable insight into general preparedness information, secondary disasters, and basic first aid.

The Emergency Preparedness Guidebook is the perfect resource for anyone looking to be better prepared in an emergency situation. With advice from experts in the medical field, survivalist community, and government preparedness and relief agencies, this guidebook provides all-inclusive knowledge and confidence needed to successfully navigate any emergency.

This guidebook covers how to prepare yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally, as well as important skills and supplies necessary for creating emergency plans and responding to secondary disasters. It also includes general information on preparing for everyday emergencies, basic first aid tips, and important emergency contacts. The guidebook measures 0.2″x5.5″x8.5″ and weighs just 3.3 oz.

  • SKU: 4403
  • HTS: 4901.99.0075
  • Weight: 3.3 oz
  • Dimensions: 0.2″x5.5″x8.5″
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