Personal Earthquake Evacuation Kit | No Masks


This Earthquake Survival Kit has everything you need to stay safe, dry, and warm during an earthquake. The hard hat, motion sensor headlamp, reflective emergency blanket, signal whistle, safety goggles and heavy-duty work gloves provide the necessary protection and convenience needed in a survival situation. The included guidebook also provides valuable information on creating an emergency plan and administering first aid. This kit is designed to make sure you have peace of mind, so don’t wait to get prepared!

This Earthquake Disaster Preparedness Kit provides essential items you need to stay safe in case of the unexpected. With a hard hat, reflective emergency blanket, motion sensor headlamp, signal whistle, safety goggles, and heavy duty work gloves, you’ll be prepared for an earthquake or other disaster. The Emergency Reflective Blanket is waterproof and windproof, providing protection from the elements. The motion sensor headlamp has four settings to provide high visibility in any situation. Plus, the included Earthquake Emergency Preparedness Survival Guidebook gives you the knowledge and confidence you need to survive. Stay safe with this comprehensive kit!

  • SKU: SKW
  • Weight: 6 lbs
  • Color: May Vary
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